国家林业和草原局第四批 “百千万人才工程”省部级人。
2020年 获梁希林业科技进步奖三等奖;(排名第一)
2019年 获贵州省自然科学二等奖。(排名第三)
4、中国林科院优秀青年创新人才培育计划“水肥耦合对山杏油脂产量及品质的调控机制” 2017-2019;
9、国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目 2020-2023。
1、Ma Yunxia,Bi Quanxin,Li Gangtie,Liu Xiaojuan, Fu Guanghui, Zhao Yang, Wang Libing*.Provenance variations in kernel oil content, fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge in northern China. Industrial Crops and Products 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112487.
2、Mai Yiying, Huo Kaisen, Yu Haiyan, Zhou Nan, Shui Lanya, Liu Yang, Zhang Chengxin, Niu Jun*, Wang Libing*. Using lipidomics to reveal details of lipid accumulation in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernels. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2020 DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12693.
3、Yu Dan, Liu Xiaojuan, Cui Yifan, Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Li Dongxing, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing*. Comparative transcriptome combined with morpho-physiological analyses revealed candidate genes potentially for differential cold tolerance in two contrasting apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars. Trees 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-020-01991-y.
4、Liu Xiao-juan , Cui Yifan, Wu Zhiyan, Zhao Yang, Hu Xiaoyu, Bi Quanxin, Yang Suzhi, Wang Libing*.Transcriptome and co-expression network analyses identify the molecular signatures underlying drought resistance in yellowhorn. Forests 2020, 11, 840.
5、Ma Yunxia, Wang Shaoxiong, Liu Xiaojuan, Yu Haiyan, Yu Dan, Li Gangtie, Wang Libing. Oil content, fatty acid composition and biodiesel properties among natural provenances of Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) from China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2020 DOI:10.1111/gcbb.12759.
6、崔艺凡,崔德石,李宏亮,毕泉鑫,于海燕,崔天鹏,刘肖娟,王利兵*. 文冠果新品种‘中石 4 号’和‘中石 9 号'.园艺学报,2020,47 (S2):3115-3116.
7、王少雄, 胡潇予, 范思琪, 崔艺凡,于海燕,王利兵*. 西伯利亚杏种实性状地理变异分析. 经济林研究, 2019, 37(1): 74-79, 86.
8、于海燕, 胡潇予, 何春霞, 崔艺凡, 范思琪, 毕泉鑫, 王利兵*. 文冠果不同种源叶片结构对水分胁迫的差异性响应. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41 (1) : 57-63.
9、于丹, 毕泉鑫, 赵阳, 崔艺凡, 句娇, 傅光辉, 范思琪, 陈梦园, 王利兵*. 文冠果地理种源变异及优良种源筛选. 东北林业大学学报, 2019, 47 (2) : 12-16.
10、胡潇予,于海燕,范思琪,毕泉鑫,李迎超,王利兵*. 不同种源文冠果叶片气孔分布特征对水分胁迫的响应. 林业科学研究, 2019, 32(1): 169-174.
11、田梦妮,毕泉鑫,贺晓辉,赛富勒,李钢铁*,王利兵*.文冠果叶片解剖结构的抗旱性分析与评价[J].分子植物育种, 2019, 17 (24) : 8261-8270.
12、赵阳, 毕泉鑫, 句娇, 于丹, 范思琪, 陈梦园, 崔艺凡, 傅光辉, 王利兵*.文冠果种子及苗期生长性状地理种源变异. 林业科学研究, 2019, 32(1): 160-168.
13、Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Cui Yifan, Wang Libing*. Genome survey sequencing and genetic background characterization of yellow horn based on next generation sequencing. Molecular Biology Reports, 2019, 46:4303-4312.
14、句娇, 毕泉鑫, 赵阳, 于丹, 崔艺凡, 傅光辉, 范思琪, 陈梦园, 于海燕*, 王利兵*. 不同种源文冠果种子及苗期性状地理变异. 江西农业大学学报,2019, 41(3): 529-540.
15、Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yao, Du Wei, Lu Ying, Gui Lang, Zheng Zhiming, Yu Haiyan, Cui Yifan, Liu Zhi, Cui Tianpeng, Cui Deshi, Liu Xiaojuan, Li Yingchao, Fan Siqi, Hu Xiaoyu, Fu Guanghui, Ding Jian, Ruan Chengjiang *, Wang Libing *. Pseudomolecule-level assembly of the Chinese oil tree yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) genome. Gigascience, 2019,8,1-11.
16、Yu Haiyan, Fan Siqi, Bi Quanxin, Wang Shaoxiong, Hu Xiaoyu, Chen Mengyuan, Wang Libing*. Seed morphology, oil content and fatty acid composition variability assessment in yellow horn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) germplasm for optimum biodiesel production. Industrial Crops and Products 2017, 97: 425-430.
17、于海燕,陈梦园,范思琪,王少雄,胡潇予,毕泉鑫,王利兵*.苗木不同繁育方式对文冠果苗木生长的影响. 林业资源管理 2017, (2): 139-142.
18、王少雄,李钢铁,范思琪,于海燕,王利兵*. 不同育苗方式对山杏苗木生长的影响. 林业科技通讯. 2017, (5): 38-40.
19、Wang Puchang, Mo Bentian, Long Zhongfu, Fan Siqi, Wang Huihui, Wang Libing *. Factors affecting seed germination and emergence of Sophora davidii. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 87: 261-265.
20、FanSiqi, LiangTianyu, YuHaiyan, BiQuanxin, LiGangtie, WangLibing*. Kernel characteristics, oil contents, fatty acid compositions and biodiesel properties in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seeds. Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 89: 195-199.
21、Guo Jianying, Li Heping, Fan Siqi, Liang Tianyu, Yu Haiyan, Li Jinrong, He Jingli, Li Gangtie, Libing Wang*. Genetic variability of biodiesel properties in some Prunus L. (Rosaceae) species collected from Inner Mongolia, China. Industrial Crops and Products 2015, 76: 244-248.
22、Wang Puchang, Zhao Lili, Mo Bentian, Zhang Yu, Chen Juan, Libing Wang*. Genetic diversity of Ceratoides arborescens, a species endemic to China, detected by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14 (2): 5658-5666.
23、Wang Libing. Properties of Manchurian apricot (Prunus mandshurica Skv.) and Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seed kernel oils and evaluation as biodiesel feedstocks. Industrial Crops and Products 2013, 50: 838-843.
24、Wang Libing. Optimization of biodiesel production from Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) oil using Response surface methodology. Asian Journal of Chemistry 2013, 25: 2577-2582.
25、李迎超, 王利兵*, 尹杰, 彭建东, 邹全程. 西伯利亚杏杏核自然变异与类型划分. 核农学报, 2013, 27(9): 1371-1377.
26、李迎超, 于海燕, 付甜, 邹全程, 王利兵*. 中国栓皮栎资源生产燃料乙醇的潜力及其空间分布. 林业科学, 2013, 49(11): 129-134.
27、Wang Libing, Yu haiyan. Biodiesel from Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica) seed kernel oil. Bioresource Technology 2012, 112: 355-358.
28、Wang Libing. Evaluation of variability of Siberian apricot germplasm for biodiesel properties. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 2012, 89: 1743-1747.
29、Wang Libing, Yu Haiyan, He Xiaohui, Liu Ruiying. Influence of fatty acid composition of woody biodiesel plants on the fuel properties. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 2012, 40: 397-404.
30、王利兵, 于海燕, 贺晓辉, 刘瑞英. 生物柴油树种油脂脂肪酸组成对燃料特性的影响[J].燃料化学学报, 2012, 40(4): 397-404.
31、王利兵, 于海燕, 贺晓辉, 刘瑞英. 4种生物柴油树种燃料特性评价. 林业科学, 2012, 48(8): 150-154.